Computer Skills Curriculum
Keyboarding Lesson Plan

Title: Place Fingers Correctly!

Other Curriculum Objectives that can be addressed by this lesson plan
Computer Skills: (Gr. 2) 2.3

Grade: 2
Competency 2.3: Demonstrate correct keyboarding posture and finger placement on the home row keys.

Measure 2.3.2: Using a computer keyboard or typewriter, place each finger on its correct home row key.

Materials Needed: Computer or typewriter keyboard or a keyboarding device such as Type-Right; a large poster keyboard with highlighted home row keys, keyboard floor mat, paper keyboards; crayons/ markers; large poster of the following student guidelines for correct finger placement for the home row keys: (1) place fingers curved and upright over the home row keys, (2) place thumbs curved toward palms of hands with right thumb resting lightly on the space bar, and (3) allow only tips of fingers to touch the keys and keep base of hands slightly off the keyboard.

Time: Two to three, 10-15 minute class sessions; repeat as necessary.

Terms: Computer, Keyboard, Posture, Home row keys



Teacher Preparation
  • 1. Place on the classroom wall a large poster of a keyboard with highlighted home row keys.

  • 2. Place on the classroom wall a large poster of student guidelines for correct placement of fingers on home row keys.

  • 3. Place a keyboard floor mat or draw a keyboard on the floor or playing area.


  • 1. Call students' attention to the large poster of the keyboard on the classroom wall. Point out the highlighted home row keys and have students locate the home row keys on individual keyboards.

  • 2. On a paper keyboard, have students color the home row keys yellow with crayons, magic markers, or highlighting pens.

  • 3. Call students' attention to the large poster of the student guidelines for correct finger placement (a, s, d, f for left hand and j, k, l, ; for right hand).

  • 4. On a computer or typewriter keyboard or keyboarding device and with small groups of students, demonstrate correct finger placement for the home row keys emphasizing the student guidelines for correct finger placement. Have students place their fingers curved and upright with only fingertips touching the keyboard.

  • 5. Divide students in groups of three or four. Have them pantomime for each other correct finger placement on home row keys. Model and have them correct any incorrect finger placement.


  • 1. On a keyboard floor mat or a keyboard drawn on the play surface area, have students stand on home row keys as the letters are called out.


Have students pantomime correct finger placement on home row keys for the teacher and classmates. The teacher should demonstrate and provide additional feedback and practice for all students to experience mastery.