North Carolina Education

Computer Skills Curriculum

Keyboarding, Gr. 1-4

arrow keys: Keys on a keyboard that move the cursor left or right, up or down.

backspace/delete key: Key on a keyboard that moves the cursor to the left one space at a time and, on some keyboards and with most word processing software, deletes characters.

caps lock key: Key on a keyboard that is used to key all capital letters.

computer: An electronic machine that can perform calculations and can process a large amount of information accurately and much more rapidly than the human brain.

delete/backspace key: Key on a keyboard that moves the cursor to the left one space at a time and, on some keyboards and with most word processing software, deletes characters.

double space: When keying text, the act of spacing text two lines apart.

ESC key: Key on a keyboard that is used to "move around" with a program.

home row keys: Keys on a keyboard which contain the letters a, s, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, ; and used for positioning the hands in typing.

insert: Key on a keyboard or function of word processing software that is used to insert text without deleting previously keyed text.

keyboard: An input device resembling a typewriter and consisting of a standardized layout of buttons or keys with symbols, such as letters or numbers, that can be entered into a computer by pressing on the keys.

letter keys: Keys on a keyboard which contain the letters of the alphabet.

number keys: Keys on a keyboard which contain the numbers 0-9.

posture: The position of the body or of parts of the body.

printer: A mechanical output device that can print text, and sometimes graphics, on paper.

return/enter key: Key on a keyboard that is used to enter information into a microcomputer or to return the cursor to the beginning of a new line.

shift key: Key on a keyboard that is used to capitalize letters when pressed with that letter key.

software: Program material for computers; instructions to the CPU to tell it what to do with the data it receives.

space bar: Key on a keyboard that spaces the cursor forward one space at a time and produces a blank space when pressed.

strike: to tap or press the keys of a keyboard with a finger or thumb.

symbol key: Key on a keyboard that contains a symbol.

tab key: Key on a keyboard that is used to move the cursor directly to a tab stop.

text: The actual structure of words in a piece of writing or printing.

word wrap: In word processing, the automatic movement of a word to the next line when it is begun near the end of a line of text on which it is too long to fit; it eliminates the need for typing a carriage return at the end of each line.

(Definitions from Keyboarding and Applications (Glencoe, 1993), Understanding Computers through Applications (Glencoe, 1993), and PAWS Presents Computer Keyboarding (South-Western, 1991).)

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