March, 2004 What would you do in a high tech classroom
North Carolina Association of Educational Communications and Technology Conference, Charlotte NC
This session exposed participants to the activities in classrooms designed by Dr. Cobitz using the latest technology tools that assist in the educational process.
March 2004 Moving entire schools forward
North Carolina Association of Educational Communications and Technology Conference, Charlotte NC
This session highlighted the roadblock and successes while changing the attitudes of faculty in entire schools not just one classroom at a time.
December 2003 What would you do in a high tech classroom
North Carolina Educational Technology Conference, Greensboro NC
This session exposed participants to the activities in classrooms designed by Dr. Cobitz using the latest technology tools that assist in the educational process.
February, 2003 What would you do with one day of training for every teacher
North Carolina Association of Educational Communications and Technology Conference, Durham NC
This session discussed a system-wide initiative to provide technology training to all teachers within a school system and the results of this initiative.
February, 2002 My network is more private than my bedroom
North Carolina Association of Educational Communications and Technology Conference, Charlotte NC
This session discussed some of the funny and not so funny issues related to managing a school network and living in a world complete with technocrats.
February 2002 What would you do with take home laptops?
North Carolina Association of Educational Communications and Technology Conference, Charlotte NC
This session highlighted the take home computer programs in Thomasville city schools and the MAH and PAH project, a federally funded GEAR UP grant.
December 2001 Using technology for teaching at-risk learners
North Carolina Educational Technology Conference, Greensboro NC
Technology among other uses is a tool to engage students.
students are not excited by what we normally do in school. This presentation
highlights some tried and true methods for involving students using technology,
and some wild new activities. Participants heard how you can leverage the
technology in your school to reach students who are at the margins.
May, 2001 Internet resources for teaching history and other things
Schooltech Expo and conference, NY
This session highlighted methods for involving students in school using technology. Particular attention is paid to the use of technology to teach history and other social studies topics. Included is a review of several technologies with a description of their use in the classroom.
May, 2001 Using Technology to Link Students
Schooltech Expo and conference, NY
This session highlighted methods and purposes behind collaborative projects across school boundaries. Included is a review of several technologies with a description of their use in the classroom.
March 2001 NC Catalyst
SITE 2001 Conference, Orlando FL
This session informed participants of the great strides made in teacher education in North Carolina. Included was the current effort in implementing the activities outlined in the successful NC Catalyst PT3 grant.
March 2001 North Carolina History on-line project (History Hoppers)
North Carolina Association of Educational Communications and Technology Conference, Raleigh NC
This session explained and demonstrated the use of an on-line database activity for students to use while learning the history of North Carolina. The activity is heavily invested in the development of critical thinking skills.
March 2001 Involving Students in School Using Technology
North Carolina Association of Educational Communications and Technology Conference, Raleigh NC
Technology among other uses is a tool to engage students.
students are not excited by what we normally do in school. This presentation
highlights some tried and true methods for involving students using technology,
and some wild new activities. Participants heard how you can leverage the
technology in your school to reach students who are at the margins.
February 2001 History Hoppers
North Carolina Council for Social Studies Conference, Greensboro NC
This session explained and demonstrated the use of an on-line database activity for students to use while learning the history of North Carolina. The activity is heavily invested in the development of critical thinking skills.
January 2001 Web-Based tutorial development application
American Association of Physics Teachers Conference, San Diego, CA
To aid the development of tutorials, we've developed a Web-based application that tracks students' progress through the tutorial, guides the student to appropriate curricular content, and collects pre- and post-test data. Each tutorial, along with questions, is organized by educational objectives. The CGI scripts also allow for administration of the tutorials and progress reporting for teachers. We will demonstrate the application and some tutorials.
November 2000 The North Carolina History on-line project
North Carolina Educational Technology Conference, Greensboro NC
This session explained and demonstrated the use of an on-line database activity for students to use while learning the history of North Carolina. The activity is heavily invested in the development of critical thinking skills.
November 2000 Using the web for classroom instruction
North Carolina Educational Technology Conference, Greensboro NC
This presentation provided some practical ways to use the web as a method of instructing students. Webquests and online tutorials were featured that allow students to review material outside class time or at home. Participants heard how several school systems are developing modules that even test objectives.
October 2000 Using the Web to Assist Instruction
Coastal Educational Technology Conference, Wilmington NC
This presentation provided some practical ways to use the web as a method of instructing students. Webquests and online tutorials were featured that allow students to review material outside class time or at home. Participants heard how several school systems are developing modules that even test objectives.
October 2000 North Carolina History On-Line Project
Coastal Educational Technology Conference, Wilmington NC
This session explained and demonstrated the use of an on-line database activity for students to use while learning the history of North Carolina. The activity is heavily invested in the development of critical thinking skills.
October 2000 Build a Web Page
Coastal Educational Technology Conference, Wilmington NC
This session explained and demonstrated the new tools available for building a Web page. Participants learned in this hands-on workshop how to build a Web page. Participants learned some of the fundamentals of how Web pages work and when they left, they had a Web page on-line for others to see. Only basic computer skills were required
September 2000 Webbing an on site course
UNC Distance Education Workshop, Raleigh NC
This poster session explained how the author used the web to assist off campus instruction in an adult education master’s degree program. Of particular importance was the structure of the course to ensure that the students had meaningful learning experiences even in the times between the once a month meetings of the statistics and research methods course.
May 2000 The Electronic method of technology portfolio development
North Carolina Technology Competencies for Educators Conference, Boone NC
Presented a framework for producing technology portfolios using technology including CD-ROM and digital video. Also shared the methods for evaluating portfolios.
April 2000 Using Technology to link Students.
School tech Expo and Conference, New York, NY
This presentation highlights methods and purposes behind collaborative projects across school boundaries. Included is a review of several technologies with a description of their use in the classroom.
April 2000 Technology and Partnerships: A Powerful Combination.
Partnerships for Excellence in Education Conference, Raleigh NC
This presentation highlighted the use of technology as a method for improving the activities and relationships with in teacher education partnerships. Web-based and video based interactions were discussed.
February 2000 Technology as a tool for school counselors
North Carolina Counseling Association Conference, Charlotte NC
This workshop presented the results of a collaboration between NC A&T State University and the Davidson County Public Schools. Software produced by this effort was presented along with its application to school counseling.
February 2000 I’m proud of my…..
North Carolina Association of Educational Communications and Technology Conference, Charlotte NC
This presentation highlighted the student development of websites as a method assisting in teaching content knowledge of North Carolina history. This presentation as address the issues of using website development for both student motivation and a means of building student self-esteem.
December 1999 Now that you have the computers what can you do with them?
North Carolina Educational Technology Conference, Greensboro NC
This presentation highlighted simple ways to use technology to improve the quality of instruction in several curriculum areas.
December 1999 Using the web to improve instruction instead of instructing to use the web
North Carolina Educational Technology Conference, Greensboro NC
This presentation presented a coherent design and set of principles to use the web as an instructional tool.
March 1999 Using a SWAT Team Approach to Promote Student Leadership
School tech Expo and Conference, New York, NY
This presentation highlighted both pre-service teacher and elementary school student empowerment in the field of technology.
March 1999 Putting Students in Charge
School tech Expo and Conference, New York, NY
This roundtable discussion highlighted the ideas for empowering students through the use of technology.
February 1999 Electronic Portfolios
North Carolina Association Educational Communications and Technology Conference, Raleigh NC
This presentation highlighted some uses of electronic portfolios as a method for evaluating teacher competence in using technology to teach.
December 1998 NetMeeting Linking Students
North Carolina Educational Technology Conference, Greensboro NC
This presentation highlighted some uses of NetMeeting technology for curriculum. Included were writing ideas and science activities. Participants were introduced to the technology and to a "safe" way for students to meet on-line.
December 1998 Web Based Parent Information system
North Carolina Educational Technology Conference, Greensboro NC
This presentation introduced a free tool that can be mounted on a web server to allow parents easy access to information on student progress and assignments. The tool was developed for North Carolina Schools at NC A&T State University. Participants were provided with the information needed to implement this tool within their schools.
November 1998 Technology Horizons for a High School
Invited Presenter
Trinity High School, Trinity NC
Christopher I. Cobitz
This presentation to the school technology committee provided them a framework for making funding decisions to improve the level of and access to technology in their school. Philosophical foundations for having technology in the school were provided.
October 1998 Spin a Web Site
Coastal Educational Technology Conference, Wilmington NC
Christopher I. Cobitz
This hands on workshop walked participants through the steps of building their first website. Methods for including graphics and links to other sites were included.
March 1998 On-line Assessment
Town meeting, Teachers Connect; Department of Public Instruction, Raleigh NC
Christopher I. Cobitz
On-line assessment is a current buzz word. This conference outlined some of the limitations and utilizations of this technique. Practical tips and tricks were shared, as well as a conceptual framework.
Feb. 1998 University-Public School Collaboration for Life Skills Materials
North Carolina Association Educational Communications and Technology Conference, Charlotte NC
Christopher I. Cobitz and Miriam Wagner
This workshop presented the results of a collaboration between NC A&T State University and the Davidson County Public Schools. Software produced by this effort was presented along with its application to school counseling.
Feb. 1998 Databases As A Tool for History
North Carolina Association Educational Communications and Technology Conference, Charlotte NC
Christopher I. Cobitz
This conference presentation provided a framework for the use of databases as a tool to teach facts in an iteractive format.
Dec. 1997 Technology Competency Training via Internet
North Carolina Educational Technology Conference, Greensboro NC
Christopher I. Cobitz
This conference presentation provided participants with information on how to meet the North Carolina Computer Competencies for Educators using an on-line computer skills course designed by the presenter and made available by NC A&T State University.
Dec. 1997 The Use of Simulations to Teach Higher Order Thinking Skills
North Carolina Educational Technology Conference, Greensboro NC
Christopher I. Cobitz
This conference presentation provided participants with an understanding of the benefits educators can reap through the use of simulations. Particular emphasis was given to the student production of hyperstudio simulations including the use of digitized video. A framework for understanding the role of simulations in public schools was explored.
Nov. 1997 Producing Instructional Technology Proficient Teachers
Kappa Delta Pi Biennial Convocation, St. Louis MO
Christopher I. Cobitz
This national conference presentation provided participants with a framework to transform teacher education programs such that they will produce teachers well versed in the use of technology for teaching content specific knowledge.
Nov. 1997 Evaluating Reading Computer Materials
University of North Carolina General Administration Teaching and Technology Teleconference series
Genevive Williams and Christopher I. Cobitz
This presentation explained some of the key issues in choosing and using technology to teach reading.
Nov. 1997 Make your work easier through the use of technology
North Carolina School Counselor’s Association Conference, Winston-Salem NC
Christopher I. Cobitz and Denise E. Hedrick
This workshop provided participants with knowledge that enabled them to use computers to effectively handle the demands of testing information in the middle and high school levels.
Nov. 1997 Technology for educators
Invited presenter
Fayetteville State University, Fayetteville NC
Christopher I. Cobitz
This presentation provided participants with an understanding of the benefits educators can reap through the use of technology. Particular emphasis was given to the technological literacy necessary for teachers to take advantage of these benefits. A framework for understanding the role of technology in public schools was explored. This invited speaker position was meant to inspire the teacher education faculty to begin integrating technology skills into their teacher education programs.
Oct. 1997 Simulations for education
First annual Coastal Educational Technology Conference, Wilmington NC
Christopher I. Cobitz
This conference presentation provided participants with an understanding of the benefits educators can reap through the use of simulations. Particular emphasis was given to the student production of hyperstudio simulations including the use of digitized video. A framework for understanding the role of simulations in public schools was explored.
Oct. 1997 Technology for educators
15th annual North Carolina Teacher Education Forum, Raleigh NC
Christopher I. Cobitz
This conference presentation provided participants with an understanding of the benefits educators can reap through the use of technology. Particular emphasis was given to the technological literacy necessary for teachers to take advantage of these benefits. A framework for understanding the role of technology in public schools was explored.
Aug. 1997 The Use of Virtual Reality in Education
UNC-Greensboro Academic Technology Tools Conference, Greensboro, NC
Christopher I. Cobitz
This workshop provided participants with knowledge that enabled them to use several virtual reality systems to educate K-12 students.
Feb. 1997 Constructivist learning via Internet
Fayetteville State University Educational Forum, Fayetteville, NC
Christopher I. Cobitz
This workshop provided participants with knowledge that enabled them to use an Internet Virtual Reality System. This system allows students to collaborate with others in their study of content knowledge.
Feb. 1997 University-public school collaboration to integrate technology into counseling
Fayetteville State University Educational Forum, Fayetteville, NC
Miriam L. Wagner and Christopher I. Cobitz
This workshop presented the results of a collaboration between NC A&T State University and the Davidson County Public Schools. Software produced by this effort was presented along with its application to school counseling.
Dec. 1996 What can you do with the wiring from net day?
Invited presenter
North Carolina Educational Technologies Conference, Greensboro NC
Christopher I. Cobitz
This was a technical discussion of the methods and possibilities of using a computer network in a public school. This presentation was a primer for moving beyond the wiring stages of networking into the growth and utilization stages.
Dec. 1996 Improve your classroom with technology assistance from North Carolina A&T State
Invited presenter
North Carolina Educational Technologies Conference, Greensboro NC
Christopher I. Cobitz
This presentation was an exposition of the technology services offered to public schools through an outreach program coordinated by Mr. Christopher I. Cobitz.
Dec. 1996 Teach science and social studies in a virtual reality world
Invited presenter
North Carolina Educational Technologies Conference, Greensboro NC
Christopher I. Cobitz
This workshop was an overview of a constructivist method for teaching content area courses using Internet technology. This presentation introduced the technological aspects of the method and provided classroom examples of utilization.
Nov. 1996 Internet virtual worlds for counseling
Invited presenter
North Carolina School counselors Association Conference, Raleigh NC
Christopher I. Cobitz and Denise E. Hedrick
This workshop was an introduction to the use of an Internet based virtual reality system used primarily to teach content. This presentation explored the use of virtual interactions as a means to teach socialization skills and reach difficult students.
Nov. 1996 Creative technology use in the counseling field
Invited presenter
North Carolina School counselors Association Conference, Raleigh NC
Christopher I. Cobitz and Denise E. Hedrick
This presentation demonstrated several useful technological tools that make school counselors more effective in their jobs.
Nov. 1996 Conflict resolution and socialization skills through technology
Invited presenter
North Carolina School counselors Association Conference, Raleigh NC
Christopher I. Cobitz and Denise E. Hedrick
This workshop presented the use of a multimedia authoring package in conflict resolution training. Participants were exposed to the use of pre-made social interaction stacks and the format for creating their own.
Feb. 1996 Multimedia for the masses
Invited presenter
North Carolina Peer Helpers Association Conference, High Point NC
Christopher I. Cobitz and Denise E. Hedrick
This workshop demonstrated and trained participants in the use of PowerPoint and Hyperstudio for peer helping applications.
Nov. 1995 What would you do with a networked computer in every classroom?
North Carolina Educational Technologies Conference, Greensboro NC
Christopher I. Cobitz and Denise E. Hedrick
This was a lecture on the implementation of networked technologies and their impact on content area teachers.