Fifth Grade Computer Skills Lesson Plans
Computer Skills Standard Course of Study
LearnNC Lesson Plans
Internet Research Training 2.1, 2.2
Training to empower students to locate useful knowledge efficiently through the Internet while avoiding useless information.
Famous Artists and their Work 3.5
Students will gain an understanding of the development of art through this project. Art plays an important role in the development of the societies and cultures that developed.
Information Sheet
Famous Artists and Their Work Names
Famous Artists and Their Work Rubric
Using the software program, Inspiration, students will create a flow chart that graphically displays absolute and relative locations of major landforms, bodies of water, and natural resources found in the Western Hemisphere.
Keyboard Utilization/ Word Processing/DTP/Societal Issues
School Lab Transparency
Graphing Data for Nutritional Comparisons 2.1
The Highs and Lows of Temperature Recording 2.1
Jennifer Rosenbluth & Dr. Chris Cobitz copyright 2000 Board of Trustees NC A&T State University