Computer Fundamentals for Teachers
Competency # 1Computer Operation Skills
Module #1.2.1
Point Click Drag Drop Double Click (is this a new dance?)
Getting there
This is like "How to use a computer"
Most modern computers use a Graphic User Interface (GUI) So this
means that anything you can do is someplace on the screen. It might just be hidden.
There are a couple ways that computers hide things.
Menu Bar
No this is not a new teen hangout. The menu bar is usually close
to the top of the screen or window and contains many words. Look for it on your
screen now...(did you look yet?) Clicking (we'll get there soon) opens a menu (gee I
wonder where the name comes from?).
Oh one other thing
MAC: the menus only stay open if you are holding the mouse button down.
WINDOWS: the menu stays open once you click on the word.
Have you ever been to a restaurant? Well this is the computer
equivalent. Choose what you want the computer to do.
By the way, Opening, Saving, and Printing things are under FILE.
The social studies people tell me that an ICON is a picture with
meaning. Double-click on one and it opens up whatever is represented. Click
on one and it is SELECTED (highlighted and the computer becomes interested in the item).
Dialog Boxes
This is the computer's way of asking you questions (often they are
monologue boxes like "Sorry you will lose all your work if you click the only button
that works"). The computer will give you some options they are portrayed in one
of the following manners:
- Check box (square)- choose as many as you like
- Radio button (round dots)-choose one from a list
- Command buttons - they do what they say
- Text box - type something in
- Triangle button & drop-down list -need I say more? OK choose something!
How to use an electronic rodent!
Move the rodent to something without using the buttons
MAC: press the mouse button once while POINTING
WINDOWS: press the LEFT mouse button once while POINTING
Guess? Yes use that same technique as above but hit the button
twice fast (without moving the mouse)
WINDOWS: Right-Click
How about POINTING and pressing the RIGHT mouse button.
MAC: hold the mouse button down while moving the mouse
WINDOWS: hold the LEFT mouse button down while moving the mouse.
WINDOWS: Right-Drag
You get the picture
Exercise #1
Try pointing, clicking and double-clicking icons on you screen (this is a good way to
confuse the people around you if you do it real fast and look very confident). Try
moving an icon around on the desktop (this is sure to upset the computer lab manager).