Computer Fundamentals for Teachers
Competency # 1 Computer Operation Skills
Module 1.2.5

Select, open, move, and close a window

Getting there

Below is an example of a program with a window in it.  Mac's are a lot different so they will be covered in a minute.

window.jpg (39937 bytes)

Notice that there are two blue bars, one for the program itself, and the other for a document in the program window!
Look in the upper right hand corner.  It looks like this:
cornerw.jpg (8617 bytes)
A= minimize the window (make it small enough to be out of your way.
B= Maximize the window (make it large enough to fill the whole screen or whole program window)
C= Close the window (for a program this means QUIT)

These Icons are a little different when the window is maximized.   Look below:
cornerm.jpg (8125 bytes)

A= minimize the window (make it small enough to be out of your way.
B= decrease the window (make it smaller to the size it was before it was maximized)
C= Close the window (for a program this means QUIT)

Look at the picture below:
window2.jpg (43800 bytes)
Notice how the windows are sitting.  This is called "TILED"
Also notice that only the active window has the control buttons in the upper right hand corner.
*****To select one of these windows click on it
While we are here, notice the "SCROLL BARS" on the right and bottom.

***You can move a window by clicking and dragging in the title bar (that blue bar).

Look below:
window3.jpg (34995 bytes)
Notice how Document 2 is just a line with some controls.  This is a minimized document window.
Also notice that the first button has changed its picture.  Click on either the first button to "RESTORE" the size or the second to "MAXIMIZE"


What a different world!!! 
If you click outside of a program window, the program will probably disappear!
Look below to see the important parts of the screen:
mac4.jpg (40683 bytes)

A = toggle size box (switches between two sizes, define a size using B and click here to switch back to the original size)
B = resize box click and drag to change size
C =  click here to see a list of all running programs and options for hiding a program

Using C to hide a window is much like minimizing on the Windows platform.
Using A is much like using the middle button on the Windows platform.

You can move the windows and activate them in the same way you do on a Windows computer.

Exercise #1

Open your word processor, a new document window will open automatically.  Go to the menu and do "FILE" then "NEW...".  Try rearranging and moving these two open windows.

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  • Copyright 1998 by Christopher I. Cobitz

    Questions regarding this page may be sent to Christopher I Cobitz