Module # 7.3.1

Identify computers as tools for accessing current information (concept of Internet as a large network and database)

Getting there

Internet is a network of computers from most of the world.  People put information on their computer and make it available to everyone (like what you are now looking at).  With so many people putting things on Internet, you are bound to find something about your interest.

WARNING: just because you find something about your topic on Internet, does not mean that it is useful, important or correct!

Since Internet is a large group of connected computers across the world. sometimes one of those computers is unavailable.  That means that you should NOT count on the information you want being available at any given minute.

Exercise #1

Follow this link to a search engine and search for your first name.Find a computer and practice shutting it down and starting it up.  If it is on when you want it on and off when you want it off, you have succeeded.

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