Computer Fundamentals for Teachers
Competency #8 Media Communications
Module #
Create Table of Contents, Index

Getting there
This is best done with a full featured word processor like Microsoft
Word. Simply click on INSERT and then choose INDEX and TABLES
This will open a dialogue box like this:
The way a table of contents works is by automatically grabbing words in a
certain style and placing them in the table along with the page number.
You can select which styles by clicking on OPTIONS. You will see:
Notice you can adjust which styles are included and what level they will
appear in the table of contents.
INDEXES are a little more difficult. This is because you must tell
the program which words to index. This can be done by creating a CONCORDANCE file.
This file will contain a list of the words you want to index.
This option is located under AUTOMARK.
MARK ENTRY will allow you to select the words for your index from the
Exercise #1
Try it with an existing document.
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Copyright 1998 by Christopher I. Cobitz
Questions regarding this page may be sent to
Christopher I Cobitz