Grades 6-8

Standard Course of Study

K-12 Computer/Technology Skills



STRANDS: SI = Societal Issues; KU/WP/DTP = Keyboard Utilization/Word Processing/Desk Top Publishing; DB = Database; SS = Spreadsheet; T = Telecommunications; M/P = Multimedia/Presentation


The learner will understand important issues of a technology-based society and will exhibit ethical behavior in the use of computer and other technologies.

1.1 Recognize ownership, security, and privacy issues. (SI)

1.2 Demonstrate an understanding of copyright by citing sources of copyrighted materials in papers, projects, and multimedia presentations. (SI)

1.3 Model ethical behavior relating to security, privacy, passwords, and personal information. (SI)

1.4 Identify uses of technology in the workplace. (SI)


The learner will demonstrate knowledge and skills in the use of computer and other technologies.

2.1 Use keyboarding skills to increase productivity and accuracy. (KU/WP/DTP)

2.2 Create/modify a database relevant to classroom assignments. (DB)

2.3 Search and sort information using more than one criterion and explain strategies used to locate information. (DB)

2.4 Enter and edit data into a prepared spreadsheet to test simple "what if" statements. (SS)

2.5 Use order of operations in spreadsheet formulas. (SS)


The learner will use a variety of technologies to access, analyze, interpret, synthesize, apply, and communicate information.

3.1 Select and use technology tools to collect, analyze, and display data. (SI)

3.2 Use word processing/desktop publishing applications to create documents related to content areas. (KU/WP/DTP)

3.3 Use information located in database files to create/modify a personal product. (DB)

3.4 Create/modify and use spreadsheets to solve real-world problems. (SS)

3.5 Select most appropriate type of graph to display data and state the reason. (SS)

3.6 Create nonlinear multimedia projects related to content areas. (M/P)

3.7 Evaluate electronic information from various sources as to validity, appropriateness, content, and usefulness. (T)

3.8 Apply search strategies to locate and retrieve information via telecommunications. (T)

3.9 Use telecommunications to share and publish information. (T)

Grade Level Focus Areas

  • Refining application skills
  • Using formulas in a spreadsheet
  • Using search strategy with more than one factor in a database
  • Increasing productivity and accuracy in keyboarding
  • Using word processing, spreadsheet, database and multimedia for assignments in all subject areas
  • Locating and retrieving information using telecommunications


STRANDS: SI = Societal Issues; KU/WP/DTP = Keyboard Utilization/Word Processing/Desk Top Publishing; DB = Database; SS = Spreadsheet; T = Telecommunications; M/P = Multimedia/Presentation


The learner will understand important issues of a technology-based society and will exhibit ethical behavior in the use of computer and other technologies.

1.1 Demonstrate ethical behavior relating to security, privacy, passwords, and personal information. (SI)

1.2 Demonstrate an understanding of copyright by citing sources of copyrighted materials in papers, projects, and multimedia presentations. (SI)

1.3 Describe the impact of technology on the skills needed for the workplace.(SI)


The learner will demonstrate knowledge and skills in the use of computer and other technologies.

2.1 Enter and edit data into a prepared spreadsheet to test simple "what if" statements. (SS)

2.2 Select appropriate spreadsheet functions to solve problems. (SS)


The learner will use a variety of technologies to access, analyze, interpret, synthesize, apply, and communicate information.

3.1 Select and use technology tools to collect, analyze, and display data. (SI)

3.2 Use word processing/desktop publishing for assignments/projects. (KU/WP/DTP))

3.3 Research, create, publish, and present projects related to content areas using a variety of technological tools. (KU/WP/DTP/DB/SS/MM/T)

3.4 Search and sort information using more than one criterion and explain strategies used to find information. (DB)

3.5 Create/modify and use a database relevant to a classroom assignment. (DB)

3.6 Create/modify and use spreadsheets to solve problems related to content areas. (SS)

3.7 Choose charts/tables or graphs to best represent data and state reason. (SS)

3.8 Evaluate the information from electronic sources as to validity, appropriateness, content, and usefulness. (T)

Grade Level Focus Areas

  • Using ethical behavior in the use of technology resources
  • Using appropriate spreadsheet functions to solve problems related to content areas
  • Selecting and using technology tools to collect, analyze, and display data
  • Using a variety of technological tools to develop projects in content areas


STRANDS: SI = Societal Issues; KU/WP/DTP = Keyboard Utilization/Word Processing/Desk Top Publishing; DB = Database; SS = Spreadsheet; T = Telecommunications; M/P = Multimedia/Presentation


The learner will understand important issues of a technology-based society and will exhibit ethical behavior in the use of computer and other technologies.

1.1 Model ethical behavior relating to security, privacy, passwords, and personal information. (SI)

1.2 Demonstrate an understanding of copyright by citing sources of copyrighted materials in papers, projects, and multimedia presentations. (SI)

1.3 Investigate occupations dependent on technology.(SI)


The learner will demonstrate knowledge and skills in the use of computer and other technologies.

2.1 Create/modify and print a database report. (DB)


The learner will use a variety of technologies to access, analyze, interpret, synthesize, apply, and communicate information.

3.1 Select and use technology tools to collect, analyze, and display data. (SI)

3.2 Use word processing/desktop publishing for assignments/projects. (KU/WP/DTP))

3.3 Research, create, publish, and present projects related to content areas using a variety of technological tools. (KU/WP/DTP/DB/SS/MM/T)

3.4 Create/modify and use databases relevant to classroom assignments. (DB)

3.5 Apply search and sort strategies used in a database. (DB)

3.6 Create/modify and use spreadsheets to solve problems related to content areas. (SS)

3.7 Explain the rationale for choosing charts/tables or graphs to best represent data. (SS)

3.8 Use spreadsheets to explore various formulas/functions and relationships. (SS)

3.9 Conduct online research and evaluate the information found as to the validity, appropriateness, content, and usefulness. (T)

Grade Level Focus Areas

  • Using spreadsheets and databases relevant to classroom assignments
  • Choosing charts/tables or graphs to best represent data
  • Conducting online research and evaluating the information found
  • Using word processing/desktop publishing for classroom assignments/projects
  • Using a variety of technological tools to develop projects in content areas

K-12 Computer/Technology Skills Standard Course of Study was approved by the North Carolina State Board of Education May, 1998. Send comments and suggestions for implementing this curriculum to: Martha Campbell, North Carolina Department of Public Instruction