Computer Skills Curriculum
Database Lesson Plans
Title: Planet Profile
Other Curriculum Objectives that can be addressed by this lesson plan
English Language Arts 2.1,
2.2, 4.1; Science (Gr. 6) 3.3, 5.2; Computer Skills: (Gr. 5) 2.2, (Gr. 6) 3.1;
Information Skills 1.3, 1.4, 1.5,
2.1, 2.2
Grade: 6
Competency 3.1: Use a database to sort records.
Measure 3.1.2: Sort a prepared database of the planets of the solar system to
identify the planet with the greatest gravitational pull.
Materials Needed: Pre-activity: Media Center resources, copies of the Planet
Profile Page Activity: Prepared database of the solar system. (Database--Planets)
Time: One class period with pre- and post-activities.
Terms: Database, File, Record, Field, Sort
Teacher Preparation
- 1. Review the fields of the prepared database on the solar system.
- 2. Practice sorting each field.
Teacher Preparation with Media Professional
- 1. Locate the media center or class materials which contain current information on the
solar system. Determine if information on all fields of the prepared database can be found
in the collection of materials. If not, then those fields should not be used in the
non-computer activity.
- 2. Plan for the students to use the materials in the media center to locate the answers
to the Planet Profile Page.
Non-computer Activity:
Computer Activity:
- 1. As a class, review the contents of the prepared database on the solar system and
field names.
- 2. Demonstrate the sort operation of your database by sorting the planets
- alphabetically by name.
- from largest gravity at surface to smallest.
- from longest year to shortest.
- 3. Now sort the field for number of moons from the fewest to the most.
- 4. Compare the information from the computer sorts to those in the non-computer
activity. Discuss if there is any advantage in using a computer for sorting.
With a prepared database file of the planets of the solar system loaded into a
computer, open the file and sort the planets to identify the planet with the greatest
gravitational pull. Extra: Determine which planets with more moons than Earth would be
suited for exploration by a non-manned space craft that can not withstand temperatures
lower than 300F. (Action: Two sorts with a comparison of the two lists.) |