Computer Skills Curriculum
Database Lesson Plans
Title: Database Problem Solving: Dressing for Travel
Other Curriculum Objectives that can be addressed by this lesson plan
English Language Arts 2.1,
2.2, 4.1; Social Studies: (Gr. 7)
Skill Goal I, Skill Goal II; Computer Skills:
(Gr. 5) 2.2, (Gr. 6) 3.1, 3.2,
(Gr. 7) 3.1; Information Skills 1.3, 1.4,
1.5, 2.1,
Grade: 7
Competency 3.1: Given a prepared database, use sorting and searching techniques to
solve a specific problem.
Measure 3.1.1: Given a prepared database of weather data for a number of travel destinations, identify the sites that would require both an
umbrella and clothing heavier than what would be worn at home that day.
Materials Needed: Activity: Daily weather forecast, daily newspaper copies, U.S.
map marked with travel destinations of database file, computer
with database program and prepared weather database file. (Database--Weather)
Time: One class session.
Terms: Database, Sort, Search
Non-computer Activity:
- 1. Have students bring the local daily weather forecast from radio, TV, or the daily
- 2. Discuss any variation in the forecasts and any advantages of the three different
Computer Activity:
Provide students a prepared database file of weather data for a number of travel destinations. Ask them to identify the sites that would
require both an umbrella and clothing heavier than what would be worn at home that day and
describe the database operations used to find the response. (Directions: Have students
decide on the database strategy in small groups of 3-4 students but have each student do
his own database search and write his own response to submit.) |