Computer Skills Curriculum
Keyboarding Lesson Plan

Title: Sit Correctly!

Other Curriculum Objectives that can be addressed by this lesson plan
Computer Skills: (Gr. 2) 2.3

Grade: 2
Competency 2.3: Demonstrate correct keyboarding posture and finger placement for the home row keys.

Measure 2.3.1: Pantomime correct keyboarding posture for classmates.

Materials Needed: Computer, appropriately sized desk and chair, large poster which shows a student using correct keyboarding posture.

Time: Two, 10-15 minute class sessions; repeat as necessary.

Terms: Computer, Keyboard, Posture



Pre-Activities: Teacher Preparation
  • 1. Place on the wall a large poster which shows a student using correct keyboarding posture.

  • 2. Prepare a large poster of the following student guidelines for using correct keyboarding posture: (1) sit up with back straight, (2) sit directly in front of the keyboard with the center of the body in front of the "h" key, (3) sit well back in the chair, (4) adjust position so that elbows fall naturally just in front of the sides of the body and so that curved fingers easily reach the second row of keys, (5) keep both feet flat on the floor, one slightly in front of the other, and (6) maintain an outstretched-hand width between body and keyboard.


  • 1. Call students' attention to the large poster showing correct keyboarding posture.

  • 2. Call students' attention to the prepared poster of the student guidelines for using correct keyboarding posture, relating them to the first poster demonstrating correct posture.

  • 3. Demonstrate correct posture with a computer positioned so that all students can see well, emphasizing the guidelines.

  • 4. Pair students and have them pantomime correct keyboarding posture for partners and correct incorrect posture.


Instruct students to pantomime correct keyboarding posture for teacher and classmates. The teacher should demonstrate and provide additional practice as necessary.