Computer Skills Curriculum
Keyboarding Lesson Plan

Title: Key a Paragraph!

Other Curriculum Objectives that can be addressed by this lesson plan
English Language Arts 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 4.1; Computer Skills: (Gr. 4) 2.1

Grade: 4
Competency 2.1: Demonstrate proper keyboarding techniques for keying all letters.

Measure 2.1.1: On a computer, typewriter, or keyboarding device, type a paragraph using proper keyboarding techniques.

Materials Needed: Computer (with printer) or typewriter keyboard or keyboarding device such as Type-right, keyboarding software such as MicroType, The Wonderful World of PAWS, large wall poster of keyboard with highlighted home row keys, elementary keyboarding textbook such as PAWS Presents COMPUTER KEYBOARDING, large posters showing correct keyboarding posture and correct keyboarding finger placement, large poster showing correct spacing after punctuation (period, comma, exclamation mark, and question mark).

Time: One, 30 minute class session; should be repeated for mastery.

Terms: Keyboard, Software, Word wrap, Double space, Text, Space bar, Tab key



Pre-Activities: Teacher Preparation
  • 1. If computers and computer software are used, prepare equipment and load software.

  • 2. Place on the classroom wall large posters showing keyboard, correct posture, keyboarding technique, instructions for double spacing text, and spacing after punctuation.


  • 1. Instruct students to locate the TAB key on the keyboard. Explain that the TAB key is used to make the cursor jump to a specific place on the line such as when indenting the first line of a paragraph.

  • 2. Have students practice pressing the TAB key several times.

  • 3. Call students' attention to the large wall poster showing correct spacing after punctuation. Review the following guidelines: (1) two spaces after an end-of-the-sentence period [two presses of the space bar], (2) two spaces after an exclamation mark, (3) two spaces after a question mark, and (4) one space after a comma.

  • 4. Have students use the word wrap feature on the computer when keying their paragraphs (to type to the end of the screen or line and allow the computer to automatically advance to the next line).

  • 5. Have students key in a correctly formatted paragraph copying from the keyboarding textbook or language arts textbook. Monitor to see that students are using correct keyboarding technique.


  • 1. Have students research an assigned topic in the media center, then write a draft of a short paragraph about the topic. Have students key in the paragraph on the computer.

  • 2. Write several paragraph starters on the chalkboard. Ask students to choose one, key in the chosen paragraph starter, and compose the remainder of the paragraph on the computer. Examples of paragraph starters are:

    • (1) I can hardly wait until . . .

    • (2) My favorite holiday is . . .

    • (3) Some of my hobbies are . . .

    • (4) The best day I ever spent was . . .

    • (5) If I had one wish, I would wish for . . .

    • (6) If I could be President for one day, I would . . .

    • (7) I like [do not like] my room because . . .

    • (8) One person I really admire is ____ because . . .

    • (9) My best friend is ____ because. . .

    • (10) I love my pet, ____, because. . .


Have students demonstrate correct keyboarding technique by keying a paragraph on a computer, typewriter, or other keyboarding device given one of the story starters below:

	I like using the computer because...
	When I type on the computer, my fingers...
	As I was typing my story yesterday, I ...