North Carolina Education

Computer Skills Curriculum
Glossary of Telecomputing Terms

Telecomputing: The act of sending (or receiving) information to another computer via modem and phone line or local area networks (LAN). The exchange of information can be within a building or around the globe.

Modem: A device that permits a computer to transmit and receive data over a telephone line.

Upload: Sending a disk file from your computer to another computer.

Download: Transferring information electronically from another computer, to your computer.

Bulletin Board Service: A place on the network where public messages can be left and one message can reach all users.

E-mail: Private messages, called electronic mail, that are sent and received over a computer network.

Log on: The act of connecting with a computer system and entering your user identification and password.

Log off: The act of signing off of and disconnecting from a computer system.

Internet: A global network of thousands of other computer networks that offers e-mail and information retrieval services to millions of people.

Information Highway: A term used when discussing information networks of the future which will likely carry video and audio as well as computer data.

Primary source of definitions: Understanding Computers Through Applications (Teacher's Guide); Glencoe, Macmillan/McGraw-Hill.

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