Computer Skills Curriculum
Word Processing
Title: Get in the Green
Other Curriculum Objectives that can be addressed by this lesson plan
English Language Arts: 2.1, 2.3; Computer Skills: (Gr. 3) 2.3; Information Skills 1.4, 1.5;
Science (Gr. 3) 2.1, 2.4, 2.7,
Grade: 3
Competency 2.3: Use a word processing program to load, enter, save, and print
Measure 2.3.1: After loading a class journal file into your computer, enter a
brief summary of todayís activities and save the journal file for the next day.
Materials Needed: plastic Ziploc bag, potting soil, lima bean seed water, thumb
tacks, magic marker, bulletin board, chart paper, computers and word processing software,
LCD panel or connection to a large screen monitor
Time: Two sessions, 30-40 minutes each; additional time for observation as bean
Terms: word processing, file, load, enter, save, print
Teacher Preparation:
- Collect essential materials for each student for bean planting.
- Format diskettes to use in the computer lab for class journal.
- If this is not the first journal writing activity, bring diskettes to lab.
- Make a bulletin board for posting each student's plastic bag.
With the Students:
- Have a classroom discussion about journal/diary writing.
- Tell the class that they will be contributing to a class journal.
- Tell them that this class journal will focus on science activities (or general class
- Tell them that they will be studying plants and that one activity will be to grow a
- Generate discussion on what is needed for a plant to grow.
- Make a chart illustrating the steps to follow to plant a seed.
- Instruct each student to write his/her name on a plastic bag.
- Have each student fill a bag with potting soil.
- Provide water and have each student moisten the soil, then plant the lima bean seed at
the front of the bag so that it is visible.
- Attach each bag to a plant bulletin board.
- Have students observe the growth of their lima bean seeds daily.
- Provide a special observation and sharing time for students to discuss the progress of
their lima beans and other weekly activities.
- Have students contribute to a class computer journal with the teacher writing possible
entries on the board. The class decides which entries will go into the class computer
- Provide students an opportunity to enter the weekly journal contribution while other
students observe.
- Have students print and save a copy of the journal for classroom reading.
- Provide opportunities for students to keep personal journals/diaries using a computer.
Student-chosen topics are used for these writing activities. Journal writing could be
extended for the remainder of the school year with students using the first 5-10 minutes
of computer time for these writings. Time should be provided periodically for students to
share their journal entries if they wish.
- Have students keep an individual computer log of observations related to science
experiments and activities. The teacher may wish to develop a template to structure
recording of information in the computer log.
Review the bean planting activity as a group. List steps in planting as the students
describe them. In pairs, have students load a copy of the class journal file. Each student
takes a turn adding a description of the planting activity and saving the file. (Providing
several copies of the classroom journal will expedite loading this file for students to
add their descriptions.) |