Computer Skills Curriculum
Newspapers by Computer
Title: News Flash
Other Curriculum Objectives that can be addressed by this lesson plan
English Language Arts: 2.1,
2.3; Computer Skills:
(Gr. 7) 1.1, 2.2;
Information Skills 1.4, 1.5
Grade: 7
Competency 2.2: Describe the advantages of using computers to generate various
types of productions.
Measure 2.2.1: Describe advantages of producing a school newspaper with a
Materials Needed: Examples of various newspapers including ones from school (try
to get one from elementary, middle, and secondary levels); chart paper, markers; computer,
printer, and software for desktop publishing to produce newspaper (optional).
People Resources: Journalists from the local paper and/or field trip to local
paper; journalists from the middle school newspaper.
Time: One session (30-40 minutes) in classroom; one visit to local newspaper
(optional); additional time to produce newspaper (optional).
Terms: desktop publishing, editing, layout
With the Students:
- Tell students that they will be responsible for a short, group presentation of the
advantages of using a computer to produce the school newspaper. To help them prepare, they
will have guest speakers and a trip to the newspaper.
- Ask students to prepare a short list of questions (2-4) to ask the guest journalists
after the presentation and a short list of questions to ask newspaper professionals on the
field trip.
Teacher Preparation:
- Arrange to have news journalists come to the classroom for a presentation and makes
arrangements for a field trip to the local newspaper.
- Divide students into cooperative teams of 4-5 students for group work.
- Divide the students into 4-5 person teams.
- Have students assign a recorder in the group to record the main ideas from the guest
journalist's presentation. (Other roles may be assigned as necessary).
- Provide each group with an opportunity to ask group questions.
- Remind students to record pertinent information and provide an opportunity for them to
ask questions during the field trip.
- Provide students with the opportunity to meet in their cooperative groups to discuss
what they learned.
- Instruct student groups to make a list of the advantages of a newspaper created by the
Have students get into their assigned groups and prepare a 3-5 minute presentation of
the advantages of using a computer to produce a school newspaper. Provide student groups
the opportunity to present their oral reports. |