Computer Skills Curriculum
Word Processing Lesson Plan
Title: Computer-generated Effects
Other Curriculum Objectives that can be addressed by this lesson plan
English Language Arts: 1.3, 2.1, 3.1; Computer Skills: (Gr. 7) 2.2; Information Skills 1.1
Grade: 7
Competency 2.2: Describe the advantages for using computers to generate various
types of productions.
Measure 2.2.3: Upon viewing segments of a video (e.g., Star Wars, Tron, or Star
Trek), describe computer-generated effects used in the video.
Materials: VCR and large screen monitor; commercials, a movie or video segments
containing computer-generated effects (Beauty and the Beast, Deep Space Nine, Jurassic
Park, Aladdin); Computer-generated Effects worksheet (included).
Time: One-two class periods.
Terms: computer-generated effects, animation, digitized effects, laser effects,
cartoons, morphing, virtual reality
Teacher Preparation:
- Obtain and preview two or more videos or video segments containing computer-generated
effects to use with the class.
- Check with your media professional if you have questions related to copyright.
- Discuss the term computer-generated effects with the students.
- Show a segment(s) of video containing computer-generated effects.
- Have students identify the ones found in the video segment.
- Have students identify some computer-generated effects that they have seen in recent
movies or on television.
- Assign students a two to five day period to keep a log of television programs, movies or
commercials that they watch. Students should also record the computer- generated effects
observed in the program, movie, or commercial.
- Provide class time for the students to share a few of the effects that they have found.
Enrichment/ Follow-up:
- Have students tape a commercial that shows computer-generated effects and bring it to
class to share with other students.
- Take a field trip to a local television station to learn more about the types of
computer-generated effects that are used. If possible, have one of the media professionals
describe the types of training needed for this job.
Show students several video segments with computer-generated effects and have them list
the effects in that portion of the video. |