Computer Skills CurriculumWord Processing UtilizationTitle: School LabOther Curriculum Objectives that can be addressed by this lesson plan Grade: 7 Measure 2.2.2: Using a word processing program, write a persuasive paper to convince the school principal to purchase hardware and software for a school desktop publishing lab. Materials/Resources: Word processing software, computers with printers; School Lab transparency (included); access to a school publishing lab; access to someone involved in desktop publishing. Time: Two to three class periods; time in the lab to complete persuasive paper. Terms: desktop publishing, clip art, scanner, laser printer ActivitiesPre-Activities:
With the Students: Activity:
Enrichment/ Follow-up: If the school does not have a desktop publishing lab, provide students with the opportunity to present their papers to their principal or to the local parent teacher association. Measure Students should bring their brainstorming ideas and/or outlines with them to the computer lab. Students should write a draft of a persuasive paper explaining the need for a desktop publishing lab in their school (or to add additional equipment or software to an existing lab). Students should be given opportunities for peer editing and for final publishing of their papers. Teachers should reteach and provide additional practice for those students experiencing difficulty with this assignment. |