Implications for Counselors
Hyperstudio program provides an opportunity for counselors to develop computer
software that addresses the unique needs of their clients. Although the school counselors who participated in this project were
interested in character education software, counselors at a state counseling
conference indicated that Hyperstudio would be ideal for career counseling and
other counseling-related topics.
Not only does the use of technology in counseling create a new experience for most
students, but counselors also grow from developing their own interactive venues.
Because the counselor must first consider all options available to
students before the venue can be completed, he/she is afforded an opportunity to
experience the situation as the client might experience it. Consequently, the
counselor may increase his/her sensitivity to the client's dilemma.
Lastly, the authors hope that counselors will use the Hyperstudio program to develop
inexpensive but valuable counseling software, and there after share these
products with their counseling peers.