Hyperstudio is a wonderful tool for the production of multimedia. You need to
understand a few concepts to fully use the program.
CARDS: the metaphor for the program is a STACK of index
cards (files are called stacks). All the cards in a stack are saved in a single file
that usually gets big. Each card is a single screen. Every card in a stack
has a number. Card number 1 pops up on the screen when you open the stack.
OBJECTS: Each card can have objects placed on it.
Objects can be DRAWING objects, TEXT objects (text boxes), GRAPHIC objects (pictures and
art from other files), or BUTTONS (electronic hot spots that have actions associated with
them). Objects float on top of the card.
ACTIONS: something that happens. This could be a movie playing
or switching to a different screen.
DRAWING OBJECTS: things that are drawn into the cards
Make the first card first.... it is easier if the title or opening screen is the first
card you create (it is hard to switch the cards around to make a different one the first
Work off the hard drive if possible....the stacks can get big. Sometimes
this results in disk
problems when you are saving the stack so work off a hard drive.
There is a free player that comes with the program. Open the Hyperstudio program
then do FILE and OPEN to open your stack; otherwise you might not be able to save your
Hyperstudio is non-linear....from the starting point, there can be multiple paths to
get you to the end point of the stack.
STACKS should be named xxxxx.stk Windows does this automatically, Mac's don't.
You can switch from one platform to another but the .stk must be in the name to
make it work right.
Have fun and be creative!
copyright 1998 by Christopher I. Cobitz Ph.D.