Front page is easy to use.... once you get past all the bells and
whistles. It is a fact of life that the more powerful a program is, the
more difficult it is to learn.
Below you will find a picture of the typical FrontPage 2000 screen.
Notice that the tools look much like any word processor.
The large white section is the area that will show the actual page.
On the left side is a group of icons. Ignore these until you get more
comfortable with the program.
Go ahead and type a line of words.....
It will show up just like in a word processor
Isn't that cool, you have just started a web page!
Now highlight the words and.... just like below, switch the third white box
to 6. This is the size box. Notice that since we are doing the HTML
thing the size isn't in is in some strange code.
Until now we have been using NORMAL view. Down in the lower almost
left corner you can see the view tabs.
Click on HTML and you will see a night mare many people want you to think
you need to know...and you probably want to avoid.
This is HTML code. Notice that it uses both open code <p>
and close codes </p>
everything in between is in the style etc defined by the code.
Notice the letters that I typed show up in real letters...but between some
Go back to normal view and we can do some more.
Copyright 1999 Christopher I Cobitz Ph.D. and Denise E. Hedrick Ed.D.