Computer Skills Curriculum
Telecomputing Lesson Plan
Title: International Telecomputing
Other Curriculum Objectives that can be addressed by this lesson plan English
Language Arts 2.1, 2.2, 4.1; Social Studies: (Gr. 6)
6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 9.3, 10.2, 10.3; Computer Skills: (Gr. 6) 1.1
Grade: 6
Competency 1.1: Identify ways that telecomputing promotes a global community.
Measure 1.1.1: Use the World Almanac to compare the number of telephones per
capita in a variety of countries. List ways that telecomputing could affect life in these
Materials Needed: One copy of the your most recent World Almanac.
Time: One class session
Terms: Telecomputing, Modem, Upload, Download, Bulletin Board Service, E-mail,
Log on, Log off, Internet, Information Highway
Glossary of Telecomputing Terms
Grade 6 Glossary
With the Students
- 1. Write the names of the countries listed in the Pre-Activities on the board.
- 2. Ask the student who conducted the research to report the information. Record this
information on the board forming columns for the name, number of telephones, literacy
rate, and life expectancy for each country.
- 3. When all of the information has been recorded on the board, ask the class to study it
and see if they can discover any relationships between the number of telephones and the
other two items. They should say that countries with a high number of telephones per
capita also have high literacy rates and life expectancies.
- 4. Next, ask the class if this means that having lots of telephones causes people to be
smarter and healthier. The answer should be "no," rather that countries that can
afford lots of telephones can also afford schools and hospitals.
- 5. Divide the class into groups of four. Have each group discuss how telephone lines,
computers, and modems could help the four countries with the lowest number of phones,
literacy rate, and life expectancy to improve their education and health. Ask them to make
a list of types of information the people in these countries might access from the other
four countries, using telecomputing, to improve their standards. Explain to the class that
they have fifteen minutes to complete this task.
- 6. After 15 or 20 minutes, have a representative from each group read their list to the
rest of the class explaining how each type of information would improve education and
health in those countries.
Have students list types of information that people in underprivileged countries might
use telecomputing to access in order to improve life in those countries. |